Editing The short film of around 26 minutes, “A8” (2020), is a monologue with the ace in soccer and consciousness, Afonsinho, who, through soccer, reflects about society and the world.Directed by Lucio Branco Ten minute short length movie “Traveling Adiante” (2019) that approaches the mind and work of filmmaker Sylvio Lanna, from the so called “Cinema de Invenção” (Invention Cinema). The movie was licensed by Canal Curta! (Curta! Channel) and participated in the 18th Mostra do Filme Livre (2019), of CineBH – 13th Mostra do Cinema de Belo Horizonte (2019), in the 5th Arquivo em Cartaz (2019), in the 14th Fest Aruanda do Audiovisual Brasileiro (2019), of the Mostra Brasil do 3º Cine Verão – Festival de Cinema da Cidade do Sol (2020) (Best Soundtrack Award), in the 3rd Curta Caicó (2020), in the REcine Online (2020)and was pre selected for the 6th Festival Curta Campos do Jordão (2020).Directed by Lucio Branco hhh